What the END AGAIN??

OK people I just want to say "I Love You All and Have a Happy After Life."
Tomorrow is December 21st 20012 the end of the world according to the Mayan Calendar.I guess I don't have to be worried about my January house payment or my taxes or any bill for that matter.
Actually I think I might.  Of the few articles I have read so far it seems that it's not the end of the world but the end of a time span and a new time span begins.
I really don't know what to say at this point because I reading all kinds of things from New Agers theory and Astrological charts and God knows what else........

You know what I think I will have to continue this tomorrow..... I need a beer.  There is a lot of stuff on this subject that could make sense so just in case I think I will make love to my wife call the kids to say "I Love You" and research more later.
Peace Out Bro's


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