What the END AGAIN? Part Deux

"Well,well,well, That's another fine mess you've gotten me into!!"
(Oliver Hardy)  

I am not supposed to be here today. You are not supposed to be here. The world is not supposed to be here.

Waz up wit dat?

I quite work. I told the the landlord to kiss my a@# and drank all the beer. I pee'd in the neighbor's yard and I am still here.....we are still here. 

Now what the hell am I going to do?

Nothing.  Just another day in the life of a blogger.

The fact is "It" wasn't the end of the earth it was the end of a calender cycle. 

And that my friends is the end of this story.

P.S.  At 06:15 (EST) this morning began the fist day of winter or as some might say "The Winter Solstice".

Merry Christmas everyone!!!


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