WTF People.

I woke up this morning ready to make homemade biscuits and pancakes, I don't like pancakes but everyone else does, eggs over easy and a big old pot of hot steamin' coffee. Got some pepper bacon and thick cut bologna for the meaty part of breakfast. The problem now is I am not as hungry as I was when I woke up. It just makes me sick why the whole "F'ing" world has to be so stupid. Well maybe not the whole world but you get the idea.

I was reading an article about Congresswoman Gifford who was shot. Apparently this guy Jarred shot her in the head. No sane person shoots another like that in public or any other place for matter. Not to mention the other six who died and 12 wounded. The thing that gets my goat is that all the comments I read say it was political. The Left Vs. Right, Republican vs Democrat, good against evil. What a crock of sh-t. The boy was looking for fame, he's been reported as a loon any way.

I think everyone aught to take it for what it really was, an F'ing loony looking to get in the news. WTF, why can't people quite reading sh-t into stuff that ain't there.
He's got his headliner now and you know what? By the end of the day it will all be about Bush or Palin or the tea party and Jarrad will be forgotten and Gifford will be forgotten and we'll be talking about gun laws and racism such things.

Well I say F! the tea party I prefer coffee, F! politicians I prefer, well, not to say what I prefer.

So I leave you with this:

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand.
-- Bertrand Russell"

Take it any way you want, just be nice to your neighbor. Now go cook breakfast!


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