"Beef, It's What's for Dinner"

Isn't that a nice phrase? "Beef, it's What's for Dinner" or "The Other White Meat". Anybody remember "The Quicker Picker Upper".

It just so happens that I was eating left over pot roast for lunch and it hit me like a roll of "Charmin" and I couldn't help but "squeeze" out a thought or two about jingles and how some lucky person made up a few silly but catchy phrases and made money off it.

"Grrreat!" Now, what do you think of? Tony the Tiger of course. How about " Plop Plop Fizz Fizz"? No, not a really bad turd but "Alka-Seltzer". What's your favorite? Is it "Snap,Crackle,Pop" or the image of the Hawaiian dude getting punched? "Hey, how about some nice Hawaiian Punch?".

There all pretty crazy. Just a few words and we have an image for life in our heads. "How do you spell relief?"  " R O L A I D S"  and then there are some obscure ones from way,way back like this commercial I found on youtube:

That made me start looking at a bunch of others like:

and of course in my mind the most famous of all along with some others:

Well,that's it. I can't take it any more.


Unknown said…
I so remember the Charmin commercial lol..

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