Who Inspired Me?


Who Inspired Me?

So, if you didn't know by now, I love flight simulation and being able to fly to places I never could or will be able to. I have always had a passion for flying ever since I was small. When I was ten or so I flew to Madrid, Spain then on to Gibraltar. It was awesome!
Ever since then I have had the bug. Later in my late twenties I was fortunate enough to be able to fly a small Cessna 172 with a friend of mine. My bride to be and I flew to Greenville, NC with my friend Gene Olinger, who by the way was a flight instructor, to see my daughter who was staying with her mother. I got to fly most of the trip, it was amazing.

Life sometimes throws us a curve ball and my good, dear, friend Gene passed away with leukemia and so ended my flying real plays. I miss him still today. 
Many, many years later I went to a Rent-A-Center and saw something called a computer! After playing with it for a while I found out how to install games and found Microsoft Flight Simulator. 

Thank you, Gene, for inspiring to fly and hopefully I'll fly a real plane again but, in the meantime, I guess I'll have to pretend to see the world from a simulated cockpit at a simulated airport.


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