The Big Red Baron


The Red Barron

Hey Gang! Or person.

Once again I have been absent from my post.

This time it has only been three years. I'm getting better!

Reading my last blog I see I was getting into flight simulators pretty heavy and guess what? I am still into flightsim. In fact that is why "The Red Baron" was born. Not only have I acquired more software like study level aircraft, live weather and such I also built this PC more or less just for flightsim. Needless to say I have been flying a lot.

My latest software is the very new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It is the most realistic scenery I have ever seen.

I also have Lockheed Martin P3Dv4.5 and P3DV5 as well as Steam FSX. So if I want bells and whistles with 3rd party study level aircraft I mostly fly P3Dv5 or 4.5.

Have a few beers easy to fly aircraft then Steam FSX is what I want. Although to be fair Steam has the same 3rd party study study level aircraft that P3D has but they have more basic aircraft with somewhat easy missions to fly so I don't have to think about it as much.

FS2020 is my go to for 3D scenery and their aircraft are getting better every day. More and more 3rd parties are adding to this awesome sim on fairly regular basis.

Well, that's about it from me for now. I know it's not much and all about flying stuff but I am working on uploading flight sim video's to YouTube and learning about GoogleAds to maybe make a dollar or two and thought it would be a good idea to revive my blog. I will do my best not to wait another three years to add content. 

Peace and Prosperity 


P.S. I am still driving tractor trailers for a real job and I am as healthy as a 64 year old can be. 
Thank You for Asking.


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