What's on my brain today?

I was thinking the other day ( which is a bad thing sometimes for me) about what to do this year about all the projects I have started and never finished or no desire to participate in.

I have Facebook I totally don't need anymore, too much advertising and games and just way too much b#@%$h%t, I have long ago got rid of MySpace so that's one thing I don't have to worry about. Google + is starting to get like Facebook.  I have Picasa for my pictures but now it's attached to Google+  photos and I don't know how to upload direct back to just Picasa anymore.

My real website is just no fun anymore because I am not in a band and no one has a need to go there. I do like having that site though but I can't really figure out what to do with anymore. Maybe I change it to a photo site or something. Hey how about porn? No that ain't happening. I could start a trucking scrap book but I really don't go far enough to make really interesting.

At least I have this place. Plain and simple to use, people check it out, it's free which is always good, so maybe out of all the project's have I'll just keep this one and maybe goodbye to all the rest, except http://www.utcrockandroll.net because one day I may learn how to be a webmaster put some real content on there.

So I guess for now I'll go take an aspirin,drink a beer and wait for the football games to start.


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