Sunday Football

I actually wrote this blog on my website but thought that no one would see it there, I show real confidence in my website huh, so I pushed the old Ctrl-a then Ctrl-c and came over here and Ctrl-v and bing-bada-boom here it is.......

"Today is just like yesterday only the name has been changed to make you think it's different. I mean think about it. The sun comes up from the East at about the same time. The temp seems to be the same as that other day with the different name and the coffee still tastes the same. I did notice that the shows on TV are different. A good thing? Maybe that way we know that the name of the day has changed. Am i being silly? No,yes, but I am trying to think of something to write about. Oh I know how about....Football!

Yes, that is a good thing. I am not a big football fan but I do enjoy it. It is difficult at times though because I am a Redskins fan. OK! OK! Stop laughing!! Anyway, I see that the Saints ended up winning, good game really till the fourth quarter, Texans beat the Bengals which I couldn't care less about or should I? Today the Falcons will beat the Giants ( oh shit did I say that out loud) I mean The Falcons play the Giants and the game I want to see is Pittsburg and the Broncos.

Now like I said I am not a big football guy but I do enjoy the game, I don't know anything about stats or who needs to beat who to get in the play off, most because my team sucks, but at this point the quality of the game should be good. So do what I and sit back grab a cold beverage, cheese and crackers and fall asleep on the couch!"


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