The Big Day After.

There is a favorite song of mine called "Throw my Brain in a Hurricane" by John Prine. It's first line goes:

"Woke up this morning, put on my slippers, walked in the kitchen and died. And oh what a feeling,when my soul went through the ceiling, and on up into heaven I did ride."

That is sorta how I feel this morning. Only, of course, I didn't die and I am sure heaven isn't ready for me yet(I hope) but my head is spinning some and my stomach is burning a little and I am sure it wouldn't take much to knock me over.

I guess what I am trying to say is that last night at Wabi Sabi's in Petersburg Va. I had a really good time!! It was the first time there and I was very impressed. I actually felt like I was in downtown Richmond or something not in downtown Petersburg. There were lots of really nice people and although I didn't eat there I was hearing that the food is really good. It's a Sushi bar which is something I know very little about but Wabi Sabi is the place they say to try.

Well, now that I have written this little piece of nonsense I guess I can go eat breakfast and made my stomach feel better.

Peace and Love til next time.


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