
Showing posts from 2011

A Day at the Races. Virginia Derby 2011

What a great day for horse racing. The weather could have not been any better. Well, it could have but what I'm saying is that at wasn't bad at all. There was a slight breeze, not quite enough to blow up dresses but good enough to keep you cool. At least where I was standing. I went to Colonial Downs in the hope to maybe make some money betting but I quickly found out that I was not good at that. I took a lot of pictures as usual and lost a little money but all in all I had a great day. Lots of pretty hats and the girls weren't bad either. One of the main event's was put on by the Richmond Ski Club and they had what was called "Hoot on the hill" which was a whole lot of orange short shorts,filled out white t's and very friendly good looking girls from Hooter's. They came from veracious diffident stores around the area and just from what a saw most of them seemed to be having fun. I know I did but that's just me. One thing that was real

Don't drink and drive.

You know it's funny. Well maybe not but I was just sitting around the house yesterday and made up a nice design for a sweet tattoo. At least put together some photo's and thought to myself I had a good idea for a new tat. I already have one on my right forearm so I needed to balance it out with one on my left. After a couple of Buds Sandy, my wife, and I decide to go down to the Tattoo Parlor and get a price. Well low and behold they gave me a price handed me the forms to fill out took my money and the next thing you know I know I was sitting in the chair getting my arm shaved. I guess what I am saying is " Don't drink and drive " to the Tattoo parlor unless you really want that tat which I did but I wasn't thinking it would happen that fast. It's OK though I really like the new tattoo had I think you well too. Make it a great day because great things don't just happen.

The Big Day After.

There is a favorite song of mine called "Throw my Brain in a Hurricane" by John Prine. It's first line goes: "Woke up this morning, put on my slippers, walked in the kitchen and died. And oh what a feeling,when my soul went through the ceiling, and on up into heaven I did ride." That is sorta how I feel this morning. Only, of course, I didn't die and I am sure heaven isn't ready for me yet(I hope) but my head is spinning some and my stomach is burning a little and I am sure it wouldn't take much to knock me over. I guess what I am trying to say is that last night at Wabi Sabi's in Petersburg Va. I had a really good time!! It was the first time there and I was very impressed. I actually felt like I was in downtown Richmond or something not in downtown Petersburg. There were lots of really nice people and although I didn't eat there I was hearing that the food is really good. It's a Sushi bar which is something I know very little a

"Beef, It's What's for Dinner"

Isn't that a nice phrase? "Beef, it's What's for Dinner" or "The Other White Meat". Anybody remember "The Quicker Picker Upper". It just so happens that I was eating left over pot roast for lunch and it hit me like a roll of "Charmin" and I couldn't help but "squeeze" out a thought or two about jingles and how some lucky person made up a few silly but catchy phrases and made money off it. "Grrreat!" Now, what do you think of? Tony the Tiger of course. How about " Plop Plop Fizz Fizz"? No, not a really bad turd but "Alka-Seltzer". What's your favorite? Is it "Snap,Crackle,Pop" or the image of the Hawaiian dude getting punched? "Hey, how about some nice Hawaiian Punch?". There all pretty crazy. Just a few words and we have an image for life in our heads. "How do you spell relief?"  " R O L A I D S"  and then there are some obscure ones from w

WTF People.

I woke up this morning ready to make homemade biscuits and pancakes, I don't like pancakes but everyone else does, eggs over easy and a big old pot of hot steamin' coffee. Got some pepper bacon and thick cut bologna for the meaty part of breakfast. The problem now is I am not as hungry as I was when I woke up. It just makes me sick why the whole "F'ing" world has to be so stupid. Well maybe not the whole world but you get the idea. I was reading an article about Congresswoman Gifford who was shot. Apparently this guy Jarred shot her in the head. No sane person shoots another like that in public or any other place for matter. Not to mention the other six who died and 12 wounded. The thing that gets my goat is that all the comments I read say it was political. The Left Vs. Right, Republican vs Democrat, good against evil. What a crock of sh-t. The boy was looking for fame, he's been reported as a loon any way. I think everyone aught to take it for wha