The Loss Of a Dear Friend

I woke up this morning and the sun didn't seem to shine as bright. Even though I was home with my family I felt something missing. I walked in to the kitchen and started coffee, it was 7am Saturday morning and in about an hour or so my best friend would be calling me to say he was running late but would be there soon for our weekly round of PS3 PGA Tour golf tournament.
The thing is this time my friend Jeff Conner will not be here at all. It seems that on Friday October 8th at about 9:40 something A.M. he had a heart attack in his tractor trailer making a delivery at Dulles Airport. The Police found him in the parking lot slumped over the steering wheel.
Jeff and I had a steady ritual every weekend of getting together to shoot the breeze, throw down a few beverages and play PS3 golf or here lately Wii Bowling. In fact Jeff and I have been doing this on and off for the past seventeen years. Seventeen years, we've watched each other's kids grow up into teenagers and on into adulthood.
Jeff had this strange ability to win things as well. Although I think if you added it up he may have broken even, he always seem to win. I remember I needed $50 one time so he asked me for a dollar, walked into Spencer's Market and came out with a winning $50 scratch ticket. Amazing!
When it came to his wife Kim and kids Brad and Nick you better watch what you say. He was so proud of his two sons and loved his wife dearly.
He would call me as soon as as any thing happened, like when Brad got a baseball scholarship or the first time Nick throw a 90mph fast ball.
Jeff will be missed by so many people but for me he will always be there calling me a cheat if I get a hole in one or an Eagle on a tough par 5 hole when I play PGA Tour Golf. I will also miss his favorite phrase "What the Fuck!" no one could say it quite the way he could.

Love you Jeff and I will miss you. Watch you mouth up there and let God win every now and then.


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