Drought at Lake Chesdin,Va.

Although it is raining now it hasn't been for many weeks. Our local reservoir in down 186 plus inches which puts us in an emergency water situation. That means no watering of lawns or gardens, washing cars at home or any unnecessary use of water. It's pretty bad right now. I heard one weather man say that it would take sixty days of a nice steady drizzle just to break even and restore our water level back to normal.

My son and took a walk around part of the lake today and I have to say it's worse looking than I thought and not only that but what really got to me was the amount of trash. Beer bottles,cans, old buckets and worst of all the amount of broken bottles right where people swim.
Looking on the bright side is the fact that we did get a good look at the structures that lay beneath the surface.

Logs,tree stumps and man made structure right there so when the water does come back I'll know where to fish. Another thing as well is I got a good look at the couture of the lake. Parts I thought were shallow were actually very deep or shallow with a savvier drop off.
I am posting pictures so you can get an idea what I am talking about.

Oh yea before I forget Mike and I found a new hot spot for lunch right in our own back yard. A place called "Jeff's Place" just down the road in Ettrick. Just a typical locals spot with cold beer and good BBQ or huge hamburgers priced just right.


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