
Who Inspired Me?

  Who Inspired Me? So, if you didn't know by now, I love flight simulation and being able to fly to places I never could or will be able to. I have always had a passion for flying ever since I was small. When I was ten or so I flew to Madrid, Spain then on to Gibraltar. It was awesome! Ever since then I have had the bug. Later in my late twenties I was fortunate enough to be able to fly a small Cessna 172 with a friend of mine. My bride to be and I flew to Greenville, NC with my friend Gene Olinger, who by the way was a flight instructor, to see my daughter who was staying with her mother. I got to fly most of the trip, it was amazing. Life sometimes throws us a curve ball and my good, dear, friend Gene passed away with leukemia and so ended my flying real plays. I miss him still today.  Many, many years later I went to a Rent-A-Center and saw something called a computer! After playing with it for a while I found out how to install games and found Microsoft Flight Simulator.  Thank

It's a New Life, It's a New Day!

  It's a New Life, It's a New Day!   I know, I know it's been awhile. Well this year, in fact on Halloween, I had a Pulmonary Embolism. Holy Crap you might say and you would be right. Apparently because of my truck driving job and all the sitting I do behind the wheel caused blood clots from my legs to work themselves up to my lungs.   Yeah really! I was at the house and leaned over to get something and all of a sudden I got really really dizzy and couldn't breath, then of course I panicked and hyper ventilated even more, passed out for a few seconds, all the while I trying to call out to the wife to call 911!!  Looking back it's kinda funny because when I was calling the wife for help she thought I was yelling at the football game. Any way the Rescue squad came and whisked me off to the ER or is it ED? I don't know but I wasn't worried about sex right then so I'm calling ER.   Here it is almost a month later I can say all is well. I need blood pressure

The Big Red Baron

  The Red Barron Hey Gang! Or person. Once again I have been absent from my post. This time it has only been three years. I'm getting better! Reading my last blog I see I was getting into flight simulators pretty heavy and guess what? I am still into flightsim. In fact that is why "The Red Baron" was born. Not only have I acquired more software like study level aircraft, live weather and such I also built this PC more or less just for flightsim. Needless to say I have been flying a lot. My latest software is the very new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It is the most realistic scenery I have ever seen. I also have Lockheed Martin P3Dv4.5 and P3DV5 as well as Steam FSX. So if I want bells and whistles with 3rd party study level aircraft I mostly fly P3Dv5 or 4.5. Have a few beers easy to fly aircraft then Steam FSX is what I want. Although to be fair Steam has the same 3rd party study study level aircraft that P3D has but they have more basic aircraft with somewhat easy m
A Long, Long, Time Ago I can still remember...................... What?  What can I remember?  OH Yeah I HAVE A BLOG!!!!! So I really screwed up this time. It's been four years since my last what ever it was and to be honest I had almost forgotten I had  a blog. It has nothing to do with being old either! Well maybe. With Facebook and Instagram,Tumbler and Snapchat, YouTube and YouPorn (not really YouPorn) (Wink,Wink) I had to to explore and I think my brain exploded. Also I have been working my regular job pretty hard. Now, that being said I do want to say thanks to you who have clicked on some of my blogs and hopefully you check back. I don't make plans but I will have something worth reading soon. OH! By the way. Any Flight Simmers out there? I have really really gotten into that. Loads of fun!!   I fly for Delta Virtual (DVA) and Phoenix Virtual (PVA) Airlines. Lots of fun. I fly all over the virtual airways and have a blast.
My Yearly Rant Yes, it's that time of year I remember I have a Blog. Maybe I should post something.  Hmm? What to write? Is there anything someone else hasn't already done? Space might be cool if I knew something about it. There have been disasters! That always draws the reader! Maybe a love story would be cool?? Ahh! So cute! Nah!  How about a good spy story. Yeah!  Then we can have sexy spy women No wait!!  I mean sexy spy women Mmmm Spy on me baby!!  But alas, I really don't know what to write. I am sure in time I will think of something. What's this button do? The End

Put Summer away and bring Winter out.

Well, I guess the end of Summer is upon us now.  Got to take down the pool, put away the badminton set, stowaway the croquet set , hide away the habatchi grill, batten down the boat or hatches or whatever it's called. In other words "Put shit away!!" Of course now that we have done all that we have to bring out the "winter shit".  Coats, sweaters,boots,scarves and things.  As a man I just pull them out of the closet and put them on when I need them.  Women on the other hand will make us men take everything to the cleaners.  Hell I just picked them up from the cleaners before I put them away last year.  But that's what women do. The only thing I am worried about is the NFL games and The Redskins. I wash my jersey at the beginning of the season and not until the end will it get washed again. Sounds nasty and can smell nasty but that is what we do!! I am rambling now so I'll be quiet.  Besides I have to take the clothes to the cleaners so I can brin