
Showing posts from 2013

Put Summer away and bring Winter out.

Well, I guess the end of Summer is upon us now.  Got to take down the pool, put away the badminton set, stowaway the croquet set , hide away the habatchi grill, batten down the boat or hatches or whatever it's called. In other words "Put shit away!!" Of course now that we have done all that we have to bring out the "winter shit".  Coats, sweaters,boots,scarves and things.  As a man I just pull them out of the closet and put them on when I need them.  Women on the other hand will make us men take everything to the cleaners.  Hell I just picked them up from the cleaners before I put them away last year.  But that's what women do. The only thing I am worried about is the NFL games and The Redskins. I wash my jersey at the beginning of the season and not until the end will it get washed again. Sounds nasty and can smell nasty but that is what we do!! I am rambling now so I'll be quiet.  Besides I have to take the clothes to the cleaners so I can brin

From "End Times" to "New Times"

  Happy New Year! Wow is that red and green thing annoying or what? At least I didn't make it blink or something. Anyway Happy New year everyone and I hope we all woke up this morning fresh and ready to take on the world!!! I think most might just want a cup of coffee and an Aspirin.Then we start to break all of  the New Year resolutions we made. Yep, what's a cup of Java without a smoke and and a sugar doughnut. I mean what the hell, I can always start tomorrow when I go to work and it's easier to avoid these things but today I just want to enjoy all the stuff I am supposed to be giving up just one last time. I love this quote from Mark Twain: "New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions."   But seriously, I did a little surfing this morning and found some interesting resolution that people have made and it made me thi