
Showing posts from 2010

The Loss Of a Dear Friend

I woke up this morning and the sun didn't seem to shine as bright. Even though I was home with my family I felt something missing. I walked in to the kitchen and started coffee, it was 7am Saturday morning and in about an hour or so my best friend would be calling me to say he was running late but would be there soon for our weekly round of PS3 PGA Tour golf tournament. The thing is this time my friend Jeff Conner will not be here at all. It seems that on Friday October 8th at about 9:40 something A.M. he had a heart attack in his tractor trailer making a delivery at Dulles Airport. The Police found him in the parking lot slumped over the steering wheel. Jeff and I had a steady ritual every weekend of getting together to shoot the breeze, throw down a few beverages and play PS3 golf or here lately Wii Bowling. In fact Jeff and I have been doing this on and off for the past seventeen years. Seventeen years, we've watched each other's kids grow up into teenagers and on in

Drought at Lake Chesdin,Va.

Although it is raining now it hasn't been for many weeks. Our local reservoir in down 186 plus inches which puts us in an emergency water situation. That means no watering of lawns or gardens, washing cars at home or any unnecessary use of water. It's pretty bad right now. I heard one weather man say that it would take sixty days of a nice steady drizzle just to break even and restore our water level back to normal. My son and took a walk around part of the lake today and I have to say it's worse looking than I thought and not only that but what really got to me was the amount of trash. Beer bottles,cans, old buckets and worst of all the amount of broken bottles right where people swim. Looking on the bright side is the fact that we did get a good look at the structures that lay beneath the surface. Logs,tree stumps and man made structure right there so when the water does come back I'll know where to fish. Another thing as well is I got a good look at the cout

What in the was I thinking? A feel good story

I woke up this morning feeling good.  I had 15 hours of peaceful sleep.  Now I am wide awake and no clue what to do with my day. I do have some chores but that doesn't count.  I have all this energy and I am wasting it away on my blog. Isn't that a waste? Well you know what?  I am out of here and I am going to my mother in laws and cut her grass.  Now I feel better. Thank You Brooks

Dog days of Summer

According to the Farmer's Almanac we're in for 6 weeks of drought. I hope their wrong.

Gotta Love the Grand Kids.

It was a bright and sunny day in Virginia this past Saturday. A great day for a pool party. It was my grand daughters nineth birthday so what better time than to clean out the pool, spray on suntan oil and party with family and friends. She had her closest friends there and of course us darn adults. Hey, some had to cook the hot dogs and hamburgers. I have added a slide show so enjoy.

Lost Time

Have you ever been driving on the interstate and realize you just drove five miles and don't remember an inch of it or maybe you are at home watching your favourite TV show at eight o'clock and for just an instant you shut your eyes while the commercial is on and when you open them back up your watching the eleven o'clock news? I don't know where I am going with this but I was sitting here at my computer staring at the screen trying to think of something to writer and that's what happened. BAM!! just like that ten minutes had gone by. Now, I'm not talking about mini-seizures or anything like that. No, I am talking about just a plane old "Zoning out" kinda thing. Weird isn't it? Oh well, I guess it's like reading my blog. We just lost a little time.

Rainy Sunday's

After a crazy day of beer drinking, PGA Tour 10 golf on the PS3 I think a lazy rainy Sunday isn't a bad idea. It gives you an excuse to lay around all day in PJ"s and watch old movies. I may even clean up and organize my photo albums in my computer. Then again maybe not. No matter what happens today it will not be too strenuous.


Man, really sucks to broke on a Wednesday. At least I have T/A credit so I can at least eat lunch. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I have money but budgets really suck don't they?

Ringing Ears

I am going to make an effort to mantain some writing here no matter what it is. Last night was a blast at Blue's place. It was Mike Royea's Birthday party and fun was had by all. My ears are ringing today 'cause I was jamn' with the band and going nuts on my harmonica. I tried to stay some what sober and I think I did a good job but like I said my ears are still ringing. I think if I had not been as close to my amp as I was my ears might not be ringing. So now you know why my ears are ringing.

Been a very long time

You know in this day and age with all these websites and blogs and stuff a person could get lost. It's been a very long time seens I have posted anything. In fact I almost forgot about Brooks' Wold. Well, as luck would have it good old Facebook reminded me. So here I am in front of my computer wondering what I could write that might intrest someone in actually reading my Blog. You know what right now I can't think of a thing so........ TTFN