
Showing posts from 2021

It's a New Life, It's a New Day!

  It's a New Life, It's a New Day!   I know, I know it's been awhile. Well this year, in fact on Halloween, I had a Pulmonary Embolism. Holy Crap you might say and you would be right. Apparently because of my truck driving job and all the sitting I do behind the wheel caused blood clots from my legs to work themselves up to my lungs.   Yeah really! I was at the house and leaned over to get something and all of a sudden I got really really dizzy and couldn't breath, then of course I panicked and hyper ventilated even more, passed out for a few seconds, all the while I trying to call out to the wife to call 911!!  Looking back it's kinda funny because when I was calling the wife for help she thought I was yelling at the football game. Any way the Rescue squad came and whisked me off to the ER or is it ED? I don't know but I wasn't worried about sex right then so I'm calling ER.   Here it is almost a month later I can say all is well. I need blood pressure

The Big Red Baron

  The Red Barron Hey Gang! Or person. Once again I have been absent from my post. This time it has only been three years. I'm getting better! Reading my last blog I see I was getting into flight simulators pretty heavy and guess what? I am still into flightsim. In fact that is why "The Red Baron" was born. Not only have I acquired more software like study level aircraft, live weather and such I also built this PC more or less just for flightsim. Needless to say I have been flying a lot. My latest software is the very new Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. It is the most realistic scenery I have ever seen. I also have Lockheed Martin P3Dv4.5 and P3DV5 as well as Steam FSX. So if I want bells and whistles with 3rd party study level aircraft I mostly fly P3Dv5 or 4.5. Have a few beers easy to fly aircraft then Steam FSX is what I want. Although to be fair Steam has the same 3rd party study study level aircraft that P3D has but they have more basic aircraft with somewhat easy m