
Showing posts from 2018
A Long, Long, Time Ago I can still remember...................... What?  What can I remember?  OH Yeah I HAVE A BLOG!!!!! So I really screwed up this time. It's been four years since my last what ever it was and to be honest I had almost forgotten I had  a blog. It has nothing to do with being old either! Well maybe. With Facebook and Instagram,Tumbler and Snapchat, YouTube and YouPorn (not really YouPorn) (Wink,Wink) I had to to explore and I think my brain exploded. Also I have been working my regular job pretty hard. Now, that being said I do want to say thanks to you who have clicked on some of my blogs and hopefully you check back. I don't make plans but I will have something worth reading soon. OH! By the way. Any Flight Simmers out there? I have really really gotten into that. Loads of fun!!   I fly for Delta Virtual (DVA) and Phoenix Virtual (PVA) Airlines. Lots of fun. I fly all over the virtual airways and have a blast.