
Showing posts from November, 2012

Facebook Crap or Not?

I was making my monthly visit to Facebook to check out who is talking sh@t about who and how many birthdays I had missed of people I truly don't know. IMAGE REMOVED  Now, no one wants anyone hurt let alone killed by anything even a gun. So I decided to do a little research.  What I found was still disturbing but I had to make a comment on the figures a the post. Here is what I wrote: " One person dying of a gunshot wound is not acceptable. However according to the CDC the figures in this post are misleading. Now, don't get me wrong it is still bad enough but in 2010 31672(10.26% of pop.) died of gunshot wounds.(by the way 436 were in Chicago).Of the 31672 death 30817(9.98) were violence related,meaning criminals. 19392 were suicides(6.28%), 606(0.20%) were unintentional. Now if we really need to pick on gun laws in the world per capita Columbia has a real problem with 51.77% death rate by guns. My gun hasn't killed anyone. They run away!!" Just for the re