
Showing posts from February, 2010

Ringing Ears

I am going to make an effort to mantain some writing here no matter what it is. Last night was a blast at Blue's place. It was Mike Royea's Birthday party and fun was had by all. My ears are ringing today 'cause I was jamn' with the band and going nuts on my harmonica. I tried to stay some what sober and I think I did a good job but like I said my ears are still ringing. I think if I had not been as close to my amp as I was my ears might not be ringing. So now you know why my ears are ringing.

Been a very long time

You know in this day and age with all these websites and blogs and stuff a person could get lost. It's been a very long time seens I have posted anything. In fact I almost forgot about Brooks' Wold. Well, as luck would have it good old Facebook reminded me. So here I am in front of my computer wondering what I could write that might intrest someone in actually reading my Blog. You know what right now I can't think of a thing so........ TTFN