
Showing posts from July, 2006

Independance Day

I was looking around the internet to see if I could find some great quote or something to post here. I ran across a site that made me think, not so much of some new revelation, but a reminder of how long America has been around. On the 4th of July we shoot off fireworks, drink beer and have cook-outs in celebration of our independence, and that’s fine, but what is the history? The thing I was most interested in started in 1215 and lead the way, The Magna Carta. The Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, George Washington’s Farewell Address all that followed but The Magna Carta started it all. There are so many more things to learn. How many of you know the complete lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner? I am embarrassed to say I don’t but what I have done is collected links you can go to and refresh you memories about our great Nation. If I may, in closing, I’d like to say that our hearts and prayers go out to all the troops around the world protecting our freedoms as Americans,